We are Miriam and Tobi, two motorcycle riders from Germany, and we have started a motorcycle world trip in april 2018. After exactly 2 years, we had two pause our trip because of the Corona Crisis in 2020 and we decided to create this new website to share our past and future travelling experiences.
Before this trip we had been working in an outdoor store in our hometown for more than 10 years. In our free time, we always used to travel a lot and spent as much time as possible outdoors in the nature. So we already had lots of knowledge with outdoor equipment before, but now we are doing real hardcore testing. Therefore we also like to share our gear experiences with you. Our reviews are always completely honest and we are not writing about gear we have never tested by ourselves.
Beside that, we are going to write about our best rides, nicest places and coolest stories that have happened to us while being on tour.